
From one Binghamton story to another…

As if it didn’t suck enough to live in Binghamton already… Okay, that just doesn’t have the same ring to it that the other one does.

Binghamton, though, is struggling when it comes to national news. First we told you about their basketball team but now the cities “Occupy” movement is in the news.

And the news isn’t good.

The “Occupy Binghamton” camp has been removed. Police and public workers removed tents and other “items” from a street corner where the Mayor had allowed the group to protest. The group had been on that corner since October.

Check out their Camp:

The Press & Sun-Bulletin, of Binghamton, reported that the city’s mayor was concerned about safety. Winters in Binghamton are no joke. While it has been warmer and less snowy that normal, the mayor still wanted people to remain safe.

From the paper’s website:

“For the last month, Mayor Ryan has encouraged the participants in Occupy Binghamton to decamp from the corner of State and Court Street to avoid issues pertaining to safety, sanitation and access, including issues the onset of cold weather and the deterioration of the property’s grounds,” the city said in its release.

According to reports, though, when the city started cleaning up the “Occupy” camp, it turns out only a few of the protesters remained.

To make matters more embarrassing for the validity of the movement, The “Occupy Binghamton” blog hadn’t been updated since October 11th.

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