
Judge sides with Rams linebacker David Vobora

Here is a case that might set an interesting precedent in the court of public opinion. Hot off the Associated Press wire:

A federal judge has ordered a Florida supplements company to pay more than $5.4 million to St. Louis Rams linebacker David Vobora.

U.S. District Judge Rodney Sippel entered the order against the Anti-Steroid Program LLC of Key Largo, Fla., on Friday.

Vobora had sued the company over what he said was a contaminated supplement that led to a four-game suspension by the NFL for violating its anti-drug policy. The player says he used the
company’s “Ultimate Sports Spray” in June 2009 without knowing it contained the banned substance methyltestosterone. His lawsuit accused the company of intentionally misleading him.

Vobora is due $2 million in damages.

It will be interesting to see what happens to him in the public eye and how his case effects how people look at football players the next time they are accused of using performance enhancing drugs and they claim to not understand how they could have ever tested positive.

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