
We’ve Been Hit!!

The [Five]’s database at was attacked by a hacker at approx 3 p.m. today, August 5, 2008. It is surmised that someone took exception to the “Linux Sucks” post to the blog section of the website and decided to take that anger out on the database.

Therefore, there is a large section of the site missing more than 100 posts and 99% of the July. I will attempt to update the site as soon as possible and retrieve – or try to at least – the articles that were lost. Though, I am doubtful it will happen.

In the mean time, never fear, there will continue to be updates from Oregon State football camp – with pictures – at least every other day.

[editors note: I was able to retrieve 13% of the missing posts]

0 Replies to “We’ve Been Hit!!”

  1. If you’d like I can send you the text of my comment, although you may not want it. I was wondering why you “deleted” the Linux sucks! post. I read posts like that every day and this is the first time I’ve seen a site attacked for posting nonsense about Linux like you did. I don’t remember exactly what you wrote but I believe it was ill conceived and based on faulty logic. It’s easy to fall into believing Linux is junk when the only real experience you’ve had with an operating system is with Windows.

    You may want to consider this. Who ever attacked your site and deleted your post in the process, may have done you a favor. With projects like the Wayback Machine words like yours can have a very long life time. They can certainly out live corporations like Microsoft. It’s just a thought but if Open Source becomes the dominant paradigm, posts like yours will look very foolish.

  2. I don’t think I’d call it a "favor" because it wiped out all of July basically – but I get your point.

    I recently posted something to my blog – here – about making the switch to Fedora 9.0 and how it is basically the coolest thing ever. I am pretty sure the combination of that version of Linux (SUSE 10.0) and my laptop is what led to me wanting to throw myself out my window.

    I’m pleased now with Linux. Although, I think an OpenSource world is a long way away. People love money too much.

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