
Just start a blog? Ridiculous

Some people think you should just start writing—no introduction. That is what my college newspaper once told me. Well, phooey to that. Like people aren’t going to know? Yea, I’m the guy who has been here the whole time, you just haven’t noticed. Makes you feel silly, doesn’t it? I’ve never been one to insinuate that anyone else is less intelligent.

All sports bloggers have delusions of grandeur. If you disagree, you are one of them.

Jim Murray is my inspiration. Shirley Povich is, too. Jimmy Cannon is a great read, though I can never find him. The ease at which these three writers constructed a column will never be seen again. Write that down.

Back in college, I hosted a nationally syndicated sports talk show for four years, wrote an award-winning column for two years and managed to get my degree in something completely unrelated—Earth Sciences.

I keep college women’s sports as a high a priority as the men’s sports. I hate it when fans say women’s sports are boring. They aren’t as physical. They aren’t as athletic. True, but, there is an aspect to women’s sports that men’s sports lack. Tact, efficiency and patience. Go watch any college women’s basketball game. Cruise to a softball game or check out a swim meet. If you actually watch the game and stop complaining you might enjoy it.

I dislike the idea of soccer. Kicking a ball only to chase it down and kick it again isn’t my idea of an entertaining 90 minutes. Same with lacrosse. Rich white guys on the east coast playing keep away? I’d rather go skinny-dipping in Mauna Loa. Maybe I don’t get it, but I know I’m not alone.

Michelle Wie frustrates me beyond compare. I understand that Safeway and Sony need to put people in the stands at these events, but for God’s sake find someone that has actually won an event – at least once. Give me an amateur champion or a great college player over a young woman who shoots 9-over and is 27 back of the leader.

Brett Favre reminds me of early America. He wanted to do it his way and they wouldn’t let him anymore—so he moved to New York. He probably won’t win the MVP this year but the Jets wouldn’t be able to win more than 5 games without him.

I rarely “toot my own horn,” but when I do, it’s necessary. I rarely lambaste professionals, but when I do, it’s necessary. Most writers don’t read enough and most readers don’t write enough. If an author writes a column once a week, they better be finishing a book once a month. And vice-versa.

Now that you have reasons to disagree with me, I hope we can both make this reader to writer relationship a healthy one. Full of arguments, late night tantrums, and perhaps a little resolve.

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